The services of a good divorce coach can honestly, make or break your case. Here’s a secret most lawyers won’t tell you. The biggest factor in winning your case is your own behavior! Now, don’t get me wrong. A good attorney is an important part of your divorce team. But if you are so emotional that you conduct yourself poorly over and over, even the best attorney is going to have a difficult time getting you the result you want in Court.
Part of the problem is that lawyers “speak Latin” and often tend to over complicate their explanations of the Court system, process and documents. This sometimes leaves clients confused. I don’t know about you, but I think the goal in this situation is clarity, not confusion.
It is not uncommon for an attorney to be handling 30-50 cases at any given time in family law. Often, even if they wanted to, they just don’t have the time explain every aspect of a client’s case. And at their hourly rate, we probably wouldn’t want them to anyway!
A knowledgeable and experience divorce coach can provide great value by helping you understand what is happening in Court and more importantly, what the Court wants from you. Additionally, the can help you understand your attorney’s perspective (if you have one) which will help you provide your attorney with the information they need to be a strong advocate for you.
Coaching can also help you manage your ex and your co-parenting relationship. From the beginning or as early as possible, it’s important to establish boundaries in your relationship in a kind but firm manner. This will set you up for a peaceful relationship with your ex. It is possible but it’s counter-intuitive. You need help from someone who’s been there.
Divorce is often a time of transition. The crisis phase is all-consuming. But once your past it, we often find client’s thinking, ok, so, what now? This is where we help you begin to build the foundation of a happy, healthy post-divorce life for you and your family.
We (Thomas and Tammy) have each worked exclusively with divorce and child custody clients since 2008. We have seen it all! After working with hundreds of families, you begin to see patterns emerge. Our experience has taught us how to help clients understand the Court, navigate co-parenting, and build a successful post divorce life.
Email Tammy to set up 30-minute discovery call with Thomas or Tammy to see if our services are a good fit for you! We promise you won’t hurt our feelings no matter which of us you prefer!
You can learn more about our individual stories by clicking here to listen to our Divorce University Online Podcast “About Us” Episode or by clicking here to visit our “Meet the Team” page.